Benefits Of Modern Fuel-Efficient Vehicles

Fuel Efficient Vehicles

In recent years, the transportation industry has undergone a significant transformation, with a growing focus on sustainability and efficiency. For HGV drivers and fleet operators, adopting modern fuel-efficient vehicles is not a trend but an absolute necessity. These vehicles offer numerous benefits, from cost savings to environmental protection. At Surecall Driver Training, we’re committed to… Continue Reading Benefits Of Modern Fuel-Efficient Vehicles

Sustainability in HGV Transport: Eco-friendly initiatives in the sector and green logistics practices

Sustainability In HGV Transport

When it comes to sustainability in the HGV transport sector, there’s a growing focus on implementing eco-friendly initiatives to reduce the environmental impact of heavy goods vehicles. One significant trend in this area is the adoption of electric lorries, which offer a cleaner and more sustainable alternative to traditional diesel-powered trucks. Electric lorries emit less… Continue Reading Sustainability in HGV Transport: Eco-friendly initiatives in the sector and green logistics practices